

PhysioKinetix Training (PKT)

Infrared Dry Sauna

Whole Body Vibration

Ionic Foot Detox Bath

Monthly Memberships

Chair: $10 – 5 min, $15 – 10 min, $20 – 15 min,
$25-30 min
Table: $25 – 15 min, $45 – 30 min, $80 – 60 min,
$120 – 90 min, $160 – 120 min

Structural Integrative Manual Therapy techniques – Functional assessment, myofascial release, neuromuscular therapy, scar tissue mobilization, advanced Myoskeletal alignment, manual lymphatic drainage (click to learn about MLD), stretching and strengthening, cupping, hot stones and Swedish Massage – may be applied to restore normal muscle resting positions. When applied in precise order, Integrative Massage can prevent or eliminate multifaceted pain conditions, including chronic pain, sports injuries, and structural imbalance. Integrative Massage offers a pain-free option that will facilitate Myoskeletal alignment and eliminate pain and injuries throughout the body.

Prenatal – A style of bodywork designed specifically for pregnant women. Pregnancy is a time when a woman’s body endures tremendous stress due to dramatic physical and emotional changes. Using various techniques specially developed for the expecting mother, Pregnancy Massage helps release the pain and discomfort experienced throughout pregnancy. The benefits are profound, including emotional support, the relief of joint pain due to extra weight and postural imbalance, and improved breathing and relaxation.

Advanced Hand and Foot Massage – Your feet will be spoiled with Reflexology, also known as zone therapy, a type of massage that uses specific reflex points on the feet (or sometimes hands) to stimulate and heal other parts of the body. There are millions of nerve endings in our feet and hands. The idea behind reflexology is that through skilled manipulation, the connections in the nervous system can be used to redistribute tension and restore the natural flow of chi (the invisible life force) around your body. Soothe your soul through your soles.

Chair Massage – 20 minute maximum in my office, 2 hour minimum for Corporate/Events. A fast alternative to table massage that can be performed anywhere. No need to undress or use oils, best for neck and shoulder issues only. Please call for Corporate/Private Event pricing.

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PhysioKinetix Training (PKT)
$250 – Level 1 or Level 2, $50 Routine Repeat

© OF TEMPLE HUMAN PERFORMANCE, PhysioKinetix Training – No matter what your goal is, PhysioKinetix was created to help you move for life. From young to old, hobbyists to competitive athletes, this new brain and body based approach enables you to teach yourself from anywhere in the world how to treat common yet painful ailments we all face each day due to improper training and practice. Take back control over your health and begin to move for life with PhysioKinetix NEW Restorative Functional approach to Human Performance. Check Out Our Video For More Information About Our Revolutionary New Training System!

Level 1: Mobility Training comes with exercise manual, PKT towel and one free routine repeat session for furture use. Everyone, young or old, weak or strong, should start their Physiokinetix Training routine. These neurologic strengthening techniques utilize a restorative, functional approach to movement by working out of gravity on the floor and eventually moving back in to gravity, a standing model. This level includes 8 techniques with various neurological strength modifications and graded exposure movements that will help restore intrinsic strength, neural strength, skeletal alignment, and improve pain through proper cross patterning. These techniques were designed as the base for Physiokinetix, to be used on its own or in combination with level 2 as a complete pain management routine or to simply get your body moving correctly and efficiently again. Dawn will be your guide as they take you through this routine until you are strong, competent, and mobile enough to move on to the next level. This level, along with all others, utilizes resistance bands and varying reps to create neuromuscular confusion in order to further strengthen not only your body but also your brain to re-educate it to forget improper movements and retain proper ones.

Level 2: Stability Training comes with exercise manual, PKT towel and one free routine repeat session for furture use. Address some of the most common and degenerative conditions that prevent healthy aging and performance. This level works on the core and global stabilizers by lengthening, strengthening, and balancing the neuromuscular system. This level includes 8 techniques with various neurological strength modifications and graded exposure movements that will help correct these common dysfunctions. These techniques were designed to be used on its own or in combination with level 1 as a complete pain management routine or to simply get your body moving correctly and efficiently again. Dawn will take you through this level once you have shown physical competency in the techniques from level 1. Dawn will be your guide as they monitor proper breathing, posture, range of motion, and any pain / discomfort as you regain balance, strength, and stability. This level, along with all others, utilizes resistance bands and varying reps to create neuromuscular confusion in order to further strengthen not only your body but also your brain to re-educate it to forget improper movements and retain proper ones.

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Infrared Dry Sauna
$5 – 10 min, $10 – 15 min, $15 – 20 min, $25 – 30 min

Saunas are effective tools for disease prevention and natural healing. Today, millions of Americans experience the benefits of using an infrared sauna. An infrared sauna uses infrared technology rather than a traditional heat source to raise the temperature to the desired level. Saunas were introduced to the world by the fine people of Finland in 1112 AD. Known for their healing properties, the ancient Finnish people sat in an enclosed space filled with air heated by stones in a fire for extended periods of time. At times they would drip water on the rocks to create steam, later sand and steam baths would be created, and as the technology changed and evolved, more health benefits became unlocked. What started as tradition, quickly turned into an invaluable tool in the health and relaxation of people around the world.
That evolution of technology has resulted in the most beneficial sauna yet –the Infrared Sauna.

Preparing For Your Session

➝Drink plenty of water before using the sauna.   
➝Dress appropriately for the sauna. Wear loose, non-restrictive clothing, a bathing suit, or simply wrap up in a towel (Towels available for your use in the office).  
➝Remove all jewelry or metals on the body to avoid unintentional burns.  
➝Avoid the use of lotions or oils prior to using the sauna, as these products block pores and limit perspiration.  
➝To maintain hydration during the session, bring a bottle of water into the sauna cabin with you. 

Safety Instructions and Warnings

→Excessive use of the sauna may lead to symptoms of hyperthermia. These symptoms can include dizziness, lethargy, and drowsiness. User should exit the sauna immediately if experiencing any of these symptoms.  
→The use of alcohol, drugs, or prescription medications may increase your risk of fatal hyperthermia. Exposure to elevated temperatures while under the influence of drugs, alcohol or prescription medications may lead to unconsciousness.  
→Consult your physician before use if you are pregnant, in poor health, or under medical care.  

Infrared Dry Sauna Is Contraindicated For Persons With The Following Conditions:  

→Open Wounds                                                 →Eye Diseases 
→Dehydration                                                    →Severe Sunburns  
→Serious Illness of Any Type                          →Under the Influence of Drugs and/or Alcohol 
→Extreme Menstruation                                  →Heat Stroke 
→Recent Joint or Muscle Injury (Within Previous 48-Hours)

RECOMMENDED NON-USE: The sauna is not intended for use by persons with reduced/limited physical, sensory, or mental capacities unless supervised by an individual responsible for their safety. It is recommended that the elderly, expectant mothers, young children and those with weakened immune systems avoid using the sauna. If suffering from a heat-related illness, seek medical advice prior to using the sauna. Children over the age of six (6) may use the sauna under strict adult supervision. 

HYPERTHERMIA: Hyperthermia occurs when the internal temperature of the body reaches a level several degrees above the normal body temperature of 98.6°F (37°C). Symptoms of hyperthermia include dizziness, drowsiness, and fainting. Effects of hyperthermia include the failure to perceive heat, failure to recognize the need to exit the sauna cabin, unawareness of impending hazard, fetal damage in pregnant mothers, and unconsciousness. 

Health Benefits of Using Infrared Saunas

There are many health benefits of infrared saunas. If you are looking for a way to get rid of your body’s toxins and burn calories at the same time, you won’t find a better and safer solution than luxuriating in sweat in an infrared sauna.  The use of heat to perspire and detoxify the body has been practiced by humans throughout history. In fact, you’ll find mentions of thermal therapy across the globe, from Native Americans (who use sweat lodges), to the Mayans to the Ancient Greeks. Whether you would like to lose weight, purify your skin, sleep better, detox, or you simply want to relax after a long day, infrared saunas have many health benefits which we will discuss below.

Infrared Saunas vs. Traditional Dry Saunas

You might be asking yourself, “What’s so special about infrared saunas?” A lot of people are already familiar with the traditional dry sauna. It relies on warming surfaces inside the sauna to indirectly heat your body. Infrared saunas take this process to a whole new level as they heat your body without heating the room surfaces. Here are some basics:

➝Infrared saunas radiate heat that your skin easily and directly absorbs
➝These heat waves penetrate your tissues and muscles
➝Your core body temperature rises, but at a lower ambient temperature

Basically, infrared saunas make you sweat at a much lower temperature than traditional dry saunas. The cooler temperature, enables your body to sweat out toxins while not getting overheated. This is one very distinct health benefit of infrared saunas. They might actually be safer than a traditional sauna, particularly for people who are overly sensitive to heat. 

Weight Loss

When you think of losing weight, you probably think of someone huffing and puffing while sweating their way through a workout session. Saunas make you sweat too, but do infrared saunas help you lose weight? Absolutely. When it comes to weight loss, the real question is, “Do you burn calories in a sauna?” According to clinical studies, you can burn as much as 600 calories in one infrared sauna session. That’s roughly equivalent to jogging or swimming for an hour. Not only do you burn calories, but it boosts your metabolism as well. The body cools itself down after infrared heat makes your core temperature rise. This increases blood flow to the skin surface, so you continue shedding those pounds without much exertion from your part.

Detoxification and Anti-Aging Properties

In addition to infrared sauna weight loss, infrared heat gives you a less expensive and healthy alternative to all of those costly skin creams. Infrared heat promotes collagen growth and healing in the dermis and epidermis layers of your skin. Therefore, you get fewer wrinkles, smaller pores, and better skin tone. On top of this, when using an infrared home sauna your skin releases unwanted chemicals in the body through sweating. This is known as detoxification, and it can have a deep impact on your immune system. Infrared saunas not only make you look better, but they also make you feel better inside.

Improved Circulation and Lower Blood Pressure

Not only do infrared saunas burn fat, but they improve overall circulation as well. Your peripheral blood vessels dilate as heat goes through your body, similar to what happens during exercise. Circulation to your extremities can be stimulated to twice as fast when you are at rest, which means you get increased circulation and an increased heartbeat simply by sitting inside your infrared sauna. As infrared saunas improve circulation, they lower your blood pressure at the same time. The heat a sauna emits induces sweating that increases both blood flow and heart rate. Cardiac activity is increased, thereby lowering your blood pressure. A study conducted in Finland over a period of 20 years found that increased sauna use resulted in decreased heart disease in men.  If you have a heart condition, you should ask your doctor if an infrared sauna would provide health benefits for you, or if you should avoid saunas altogether. Do your own research as well for more information on safe sauna use and sauna health benefits.

Pain, Wound, and Arthritis Relief

Another health benefit of infrared saunas is that it can help treat body aches as well as more severe afflictions like arthritis, fibromyalgia, and other inflammatory conditions. This is due to the ability of infrared waves to penetrate as deep as two inches into joints, tissues, and muscles. Aside from pain relief, infrared heat also helps accelerate the healing of burns and wounds by boosting cell regeneration and a stronger immune system.
If you’re curious about what health benefits an infrared sauna can provide for you, then these are likely the questions you have in mind:

➝Does an infrared sauna burn fat and calories?
➝Can an infrared sauna help heal pain and wounds?
➝Which bodily processes can be improved through infrared sauna use?
➝Can an infrared sauna help detoxify the cells?

The short answer is yes to all of the above. 

Disclaimer: I am not a Doctor. If you have any doubts, consult your physician to determine whether an infrared sauna is right for you. The information we provided above about infrared sauna health benefits has been found through our own online research and thousands of years of anecdotal evidence of people throughout the world using saunas for improving their health. 

How Do Infrared Saunas Work?

While electromagnetic spectrum might sound like something straight out of a science fiction book, it is actually something that you encounter every day of your life. The electromagnetic spectrum is the varying degrees that are made up by wavelengths of light. Infrared is part of the spectrum, and is classified into three categories itself: Near, Middle, and Far.

Infrared saunas employ far infrared, known from here on out as FIR. Through the use of this invisible band of light, objects are warmed without warming the air. A great example of how this works: Imagine it is a chilly but sunny winter day. You’re bundled up and you can feel the air around you is cold, but when you stand directly in the sun, you can feel the warmth. The sun is able to warm you without warming the air around you. This is FIR at work. As a matter of fact, over 80% of the sun’s rays are actually infrared. The energy coming from infrared waves are not visible to the human eye, but there are cameras that are able to see these waves, known as infrared cameras.

Infrared As Therapy

Now that we have a technical understanding of what FIR is, let’s look at how it works on the body for healing. Infrared saunas mimic the same infrared frequencies emitted by the sun and the tissues in the human body absorb these waves. This process is called “resonant absorption”, and it occurs when the frequency of the water in the body cells match the frequency of the infrared waves. When this occurs, toxins are released into the blood stream and are excreted from the body. Since the body is absorbing the heat and not the air, the body quickly begins to perspire and release the toxins.

Why Infrared (and not traditional)

The Finnish had a good thing going for them in 1112, but as with many 900 year old technologies, there are better and more efficient technologies. A traditional high-heat sauna can be as hot as 220 degrees and most people simply cannot tolerate such a heat for a great deal of time. Also, those elevated levels of heat result in dried out nasal passages, which can be inflamed and painful after being dried. Water was introduced to relieve this, but the fact remains that having heated air at that level is hard for the body to tolerate. The temperatures in an infrared sauna are typically 100-130 degrees, a much more tolerable (some would even say comfortable) temperature. Science has also shown that these temperatures and this environment encourage a more efficient shedding of toxic material in the body, as evidence in the reduced amount of water in the perspiration and an increased amount of toxins. The resonant absorption experienced in an infrared sauna has also shown to increase the amount of toxins excreted by the liver, kidneys, and even hair.

FIR For Your Health

With benefits that go beyond simple detoxification, infrared saunas are an efficient and relaxing method that creates a more stable body and circulatory system; it aids in weight loss, reduces pain, and reduces stress. We are all grateful to the Finns for getting the ball rolling with the sauna, but the future is now with infrared saunas.

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Whole Body Vibration $1 per min

ACCELERATES RELIEF, REHABILITATION, & REPAIR: Efficient, gentle Whole Body and Multidirectional vibrations, waking muscles throughout the body and triggering myofascial release. This, in turn, enhances your body’s built-in ability to regenerate cells and repair itself. Relief is felt from the first session, and consistent, repeated use builds up muscle tone, increases bone density, relieves chronic pain, repairs old injuries, and provides a greater range of motion as you improve. Whether you’re working on sculpting your arms, tightening your abs, strengthening your back, or toning your legs, relief is felt from the get-go. 

A COMPLETE 4D WORKOUT: What is 4D, you ask? Other vibrating platforms feature either oscillatory (up and down) movements, lateral movements (side-to-side), or a combination of both. 4D is a combination of all of these movements, plus pulsating movements to ease your nervous system and recovery. With speed settings from 1 to 60, get ready to experience an intense workout that targets all your muscle groups. Whether you’re targeting your upper body, legs, abs, or back – there are countless exercises you can perform with ease.

INTENSE ARM WORKOUT: There’s no arm workout quite like a 4D arm workout.  Whether you’re working your shoulders, triceps, or biceps, the vibrations engage all your arm muscles, provide soothing relief, and make it easier to tone your arms, as well as build strength.

LOWER BODY EXCELLENCE: Whenever you’re working your legs, glutes, or quads, the vibrations engage your muscles in ways most programs simply cannot achieve. The pulsating vibrations, in particular, make recovery a breeze. Most importantly, strong, well-toned legs, glutes, and quads become inevitable.

TIGHTEN ABS AND CORE: Many of us want tight abs and a rock-solid core. Not many of us go through the work to achieve it. Every time you do any ab exercise, such as planking or crunching, the machine’s vibrations activate the muscle fibers in your core – providing a more effective workout, quicker recovery, and ultimately leading to the tighter abs we all desire.

Whole Body Vibration Is Contraindicated For Persons With The Following Conditions:

It is always advisable to consult with your physician before starting any program. Ongoing research in the field of Whole Body Vibration (WBV) indicates that many people can actually benefit from this form of exercise. However, if you suffer from any of the following contraindications it is imperative that you discuss Whole Body Vibration therapy with your physician before beginning any training program with vibration equipment.

Relative Contraindications: Gentle, gradual WBV may be able to help with these conditions, but use the WBV with caution. You may also need additional therapies and/or supplements to tolerate the WBV and to gain its benefits. If you have these conditions do not use WBV without guidance from a qualified natural health practitioner familiar with WBV, and the approval of your doctor.
(See also the list of Absolute Contraindications below these “Relative Contraindications” – do not use WBV at all if you have any of the Absolute Contraindications).
➝Gallstones, Kidney stones, Bladder stones
➝Articular Rheumatism and Arthrosis
➝Heart failure
➝Cardiac dysrhythmias
➝Cardiac Disorders (Post MI)
➝Metal or synthetic implants (e.g.. some older types of pacemakers, artificial cardiac valves, recent stents, or brain implants)
➝Chronic back pain (after fracture, disc disorders or spondylosis )
➝Severe Diabetes Mellitus with peripheral vascular disease or neuropathy
➝Tumors (excluding metastases in the musculoskeletal system)
➝Spondylolisthesis without gliding
➝Movement Disorder and Parkinson
➝Chondromalacia of the joints of the lower extremities, osteonecrosis and chondrosis
➝Arterial circulation disorders
➝Venous insufficiency with ulcus cruris
➝Morbus Sudeck Stadium II (CRPS)
➝Postoperative wounds
➝Acute Rheumatoid Arthritis
➝Joint replacements – no WBV for 6 months after joint replacement surgery, after that WBV can help strengthen the bone to implant bonding.

Absolute contraindications: Please do not use any WBV device at all if you have any of the following:
➝Acute Inflammations, Infections and/ or Fever
➝Acute Arthropathy or Arthrosis
➝Acute Migraine
➝Fresh (surgical) Wounds
➝Recent fractures (wait 6 weeks after a simple fracture, 12 weeks after a compound fracture or those repaired with implants)
➝Implants of the spine
➝Acute or Chronic Deep Vein Thromboses or other thrombotic afflictions
➝Acute disc related problems, Spondylosis, gliding Spondylolisthesis or Fractures
➝Severe Osteoporosis with BMD < 70mg/ml
➝Spasticity (after stroke/ spinal cord lesion…)
➝Morbus Sudeck Stadium I (CRPS I)
➝Tumors with metastases in the musculoskeletal system
➝Vertigo or Positional Dizziness
➝Acute Myocardial Infarction
➝Joint replacements (within 6 months of replacement surgery)
➝If you have any concerns about your physical health please consult your physician

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Ionic Foot Detox Bath $25

The Ionic Detox machine includes foot massage machine. Claims to help your body with less fluid retention, reduction of inflammation, improved memory, improved bladder control, a more balanced PH, stronger immune system, pain relief for, but not limited to: arthritis, gout and headaches. Benefits of using the ionic foot detox include:
➝Healthier Weight Loss
➝More Energy, Better State of Mind
➝Restore and Regain Health
➝Rid Your Body of Toxins
➝Relief From Aches and Pains
➝Slow The Aging Process and Look Younger

Ionic Foot Detox Bath Is Contraindicated For Persons With The Following Conditions:

➝Anyone taking high blood pressure medication should check with their physician first
➝Anyone who is taking a lot of medications should check with their physician first
➝Anyone who has low blood sugar show eat before use
➝Children under the age of 8 years old should check with their physician first
➝Anyone with battery operated implants
➝Anyone that have received organ transplant
➝Pregnant women or nursing women
➝Anyone suffering from heart disease and are on medication all the time
➝Anyone on medication, in which the absence of which would cause mental or physical impairment, such as psychotic episodes, seizures, etc.
➝Anyone with cuts or metal jewelry on their feet
➝If you are taking any medication, take it after the foot bath
➝If you have any concerns, please check with your physician

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Monthly Memberships

Memberships are invoiced monthly on the day of your choice

Massage: Weekly / Bi-Weekly / Monthly

30 Minutes: $30 / $35 / $40
60 Minutes: $60 / $65 / $70
90 Minutes: $90 / $100 / $105
120 Minutes $110 / $120 / $140


Unlimited 15 Minute Sessions each Month: $150.00
Unlimited 30 Minute Sessions each Month: $300.00

Ionic Foot Detox:

One Detox Per Week for Each Month: $80

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Dawn Sheppard, LMT114924